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RE: The way I understand it,<a href=“”> astess</a> or debts owned by one party entering a marriage belong to that party in a divorce. But there needs to be good documentation to avoid it becoming community property / debt.In a marriage without a pre-nup, even if one spouses works gangbusters while the other one refuses to lift a finger, the<a href=“”> astess</a>/debts accumulated during the marriage are split down the middle in a divorce.Alimony can change the picture dramatically. I'm not sure when that kicks in in WA, but in other states it's after 10 years. After that point the spouse that worked the least can get payments for life from the other one, and will probably be relieved of the chore of paying community debts too. Rate this comment: 0 0

wiki/nonexisting.txt · Dernière modification: 2015/12/15 15:50 par