La Distribution is currently a beta quality software. ==== Prerequisite ===== You will need an Apache web server with: * PHP 5.2 minimum (mod_php or cgi) * mod_rewrite enabled * support for .htaccess La Distribution should also work in many other environments but they're likely less tested so ask on [[|our forums]] for more informations. ===== Installation ===== - Download the installer file on the URL below:\\ '''' - With FTP for example, upload it and rename it ''installer.php'' - In your web browser, go to the installer URL to execute the script. Example: '''' - Follow on screen directions ===== Post Installation ===== At this step, you will be asked to create the first user, this user will be the default administrator. After that, it's recommended to register a MySQL database connection through the 'Settings' > Databases' menu entry. That's all for now, enjoy!