
La Distribution catalog is made available trough several repositories.

By default, only the main repository is configured, this is the reason why you only get 6 applications at start.


This repository is for stable applications that pass all our packages integration guidelines: WordPress, DokuWiki, bbPress,, Firefox Sync and Moonmoon.

The repository also contain various library shared by the applications: Zend Framework, Clearbricks, Geshi, HTML Purifier, PHP OpenID, jQuery, jQuery UI, CodeMirror, Limonade and Rediska

Finally, this is where the core system resides (libraries and administration panel).


This repository contain applications which for various reasons don't pass our packages quality guidelines.

You should not expect any of this packages to work at all. They are work in progress, waiting for code contributions.

It currently contains Habari, Dotclear, Spip, Indexhibit, Gallery and RoundCube.

Other repositories

While it's always better to contribute to these two repositories, anyone can create his own repository on his own server, to distribute whatever web applications he wants.